
Ngā mihi mahana, warm greetings to you.

We hope you are all gettting to grips with our new normal and that you and your centres/services are enjoying being back with excited children and relieved parents! We are reminded through this time of prolonged isolation that God made us to have relationship with each other and as nice as it may have been to spend good quality time with our families, being able to connect with those outside of our family has been great. It has also been a time when we have been able to take stock of our busy lives and decide what activities and events remain important to us and those we can let go of.

Turou hawaiki, Blessings upon you, 

Update from the CECEAA executive

CECEAA’s strategic plan 20202-2022

THANK YOU! We (CECEAA executive) really appreciated your feedback B4LD (before Lockdown) to questions we posed. Interestingly enough the responses fitted with where we thought we were heading anyway (gracious God at work). As we have listened, prayed and linked ideas, we are exploring a strategic plan based around 3C’s.

Connecting – members with members, centres with centres and managers with managers. For managers, be part of the managers zoom meeting each month or for members, keep an eye open for PLD opportunities later in the year.

Capacity – building and increasing capacity for individuals, centres, governance and management teams.

Continuity – ensuring centres have great whakapapa and are working towards sustainability through excellent systems, awareness and responding to local community.

AGM – we are trialling a zoom AGM this year and we would love you to be involved… please check out the zoom link. You will be asked to register ahead of time, so that we know we have a quorum.

AGM date: Monday 29 June 7-8pm. Cheryl Greenfield and Thelma Chapman have been nominated as Life Members. It will be exciting to welcome them into their new role alongside us all. Do read the agenda and reports that have already been sent out… and have any questions ready (or send them to exec members ahead of time).

Subscriptions for Individual Members – as per feedback from you our members, one of the items on the AGM agenda is subscription fees for individuals. It is proposed that Individual membership be changed from $100 to $50 per annum. Be part of the kōrero. See you at the AGM – invite your teaching teams…

For Managers … do you know about the Managers Facebook page? Join the group!

Ngā mihi

On behalf of the executive,

Barbara and Jenny