CECEAA Membership


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General Membership Information (Please read carefully)

Membership (Limited to):

A. Corporate Member: Separate legal entities that either own or operate early childhood services.

B. Individual Member: Individuals working in or professional supporting early childhood education and care.

C. Associate Member: Separate legal entities that provide administrative/management/training or professional development to early childhood services.

D. Student Member: Individuals studying towards a degree or diploma in early childhood teaching.

Admission to Membership:

Individual or legal entities must be nominated by an existing member and seconded by another member, or supported by a reference from a pastor of a Christian church endorsing the nominees adherence to the CECEAA Statement of Faith and Objects. After consultation with the applicant and appropriate others, the executive will decline or approve the membership. On approval of the application the Secretary of CECEAA will enrol the applicant as a member within the appropriate category, once payment of the fee has been received.

Membership Term:

CECEAA was officially formed at the AGM in March 1993, therefore the membership year covers the 12 month period from the 1st of July to 30th June.


A. Corporate Member Licence

  • 1-30 = $285
  • 31-50 = $345.00
  • 51-75 = $395
  • 76-100 = $445
  • 100+ = $495

(Second and subsequent services owned by same legal entity are $200 per service)

B. Individual Member

C. Associate Member

D. Student Member

MISSION Statement

We are a Christian Association that facilitates, advocates, communicates and educates in the best interests of children.

Vision Statement

To advocate for and relationally support members towards excellence in Christian Early Childhood Education in the best interests of children.

Our Aims

1. To serve and support services, management and staff in fulfilling their roles as Christian educators and caregivers.

2. To encourage services to use a holistic approach to the education and care of children in their service (physical, spiritual, cognitive, emotional and social) based upon Christian principles.

3. To encourage services to promote and strengthen family life.

4. To encourage services to acknowledge and reflect the dual cultural heritage of New Zealand in support of the Treaty of Waitangi.

5. To facilitate the provision of resource material, advice, networking and fellowship and to assist person or organisations establishing new services.

6. To establish and encourage professional development of Christian Early Childhood Education at a national and regional level.

7. To research and collate relevant governmental policy statements or other societal issues and where appropriate inform members and collate and represent their views.

8. To co-ordinate approaches to Government, media and any other appropriate commissions, committee or authority on matters pertaining to the objects of the Association.

9. To promote quality Christian Early Childhood Education and Care.

10. To do all such things as may be considered necessary for the attainment of the objectives of CECEAA.

Statement of FAITH:

We believe:

1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God, authoritative and infallible in its original manuscript, the final guide for our beliefs and practices

2. There is only one God eternally existent in three person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, being the same in nature, equal in power and glory, worthy of equal honour, obedience and worship.

3. In God as absolute and sole creator of the universe and that creation was by divine order and not through evolutionary process.

4. Men and women are created in the image of God and are given authority and responsibility to rule over creation for the praise and delight of their maker.

5. People through unbelief and disobedience have fallen into sin and brought judgement upon themselves. They are therefore separated from God and from the source, meaning and purpose of life.

6. Jesus Christ being both human and divine, is the mediator whom the Father sent to redeem and to reconcile the world to Himself.

7. The substitutionary death and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ are the only ground for forgiveness of sin and salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone. God’s purpose for our world will culminate with Christ’s certain return.